Dear Peeps
As well as holding family members who are experiencing pain and other symptoms I’ve been thinking about the tiredness that friends and patients are living with at the moment. And my thoughts go to our circadian rhythm and the glory of long summer days. I personally find I’m exhausted by the time we get to mid summer and the days begin to shorten. Fairly recently I clocked the fact it’s all about the infra red of the sunrise triggering the waking and energetic part of our circadian rhythm and although I am an early bird, 4.30am is a little early to get my infrared shot and sunset at around 8.45pm is a little late for me to absorb the sleep trigger of the sunset. I have put this link up before, but think it’s worth doing so again. Watch here:
Weeds and things
This week harvested wild garlic for a pesto which we’re chomping though steadily. It tastes wonderful on a cracker or just about everything actually. I’ve put more dandelion flowers in to macerate. I’ve decided I can’t have too much infused dandelion oil. And my veggies are growing a treat.
It seems like the last time I wrote this blog I talked about the lunar eclipse in the new moon. Today is penumbral lunar full moon eclipse – a very strong and intense energy. So I’ve been watching my favourite astrologers. Here’s Heather Ensworth.
This is a short blog on the differences between Craniosacral therapy and cranial osteopathy.
Craniosacral therapy and cranial osteopathy are two different approaches to the manipulation of the craniosacral system. Here are some potential differences between the two: Continue:
I wish you all peace and joy this coronation bank holiday weekend.
Spring Blessings