Greetings and salutations lovely peeps
As I write I’m in the middle of an art taster course. The emphasis of this course is to find the joy in making art. Experimenting with new colours that I would never usually choose, finding what marks and tools thrill me and just generally find the fun and joy in painting. And this morning I wondered what joy you find in your life? Is it the sound of birdsong in the morning and evening? Is it smiling at a loved one or even a stranger? This releases oxytocin, a feel good hormone, also known as the ‘love’ hormone. Is it a hug from the stranger who buys your tent? Is it a cup of coffee with a friend or a walk in the woods or a swim in the sea? Watching the sun set over Morecambe Bay (oh, that’s mine) or wherever you are? What is it that brings you peace and contentment? All these everyday things are the building blocks of our house of joy, peace and contentment. Set aside a little time every day to specifically practice finding your joy or be sure to have random joyful moments building your house of joy, peace and contentment.
It is not what we choose that is important; it is the reason we choose it.
-Carolyn Myss
For me things come into my life in cycles. I'll connect with information/a technique that I've learned or found or researched, use it for it's 'season' till I feel I no longer need it. This happened with the herb Thyme. During lockdown I, as many people did, watched a lot of webinars. I discovered my notes on Thyme a few weeks ago, so it is back in my life for a spell and I thought I would share with you some of what makes it an amazing healing herb. I also love that thyme is so easily available, either as a growing herb or a dry herb from the kitchen cupboard.
One of thyme's greatest properties, that I really noticed this time around, is that it is antimutigenic. [A factor that reduces or interferes with the mutagenic actions or effects of a substance.] So for those who are concerned about vax shedding this would be a great herb to have in your kitchen cupboard.
Helps with cellular and DNA repair.
Helps with digestion and gas.
It is an antimicrobial and anticeptic and antiinflammatory.
It can be used as a preservative in food. [It was one of the herbs used in the mummification process]
It benefits the mucous membranes throughout the body and helps with dry, itchy coughs where mucous needs loosening.
Apparently Hippocrates used around 12 herbs and thyme was one of them.
That's quite an impressive list I think. Please always make sure you're OK with taking something new. Speak to your doctor or herbalist or try small amount. I find that using these herbs in cooking is a good preventative way of taking them.
Another that had a huge impact on me was The Field by Lynne McTaggart 2002
A significant and revolutionary book at the time and still worth a read.
“A highly readable scientific detective story which reveals how 'the Field' a vast cobweb of energy connecting everything in the universe, past and present, is responsible for many of the most profound human mysteries.
[and that is how it is in our bodies - everything is connected and all parts communicate with each other, unless there is a breakdown in communication due to injury or trauma]
How psychics can read the future and the past; how remote viewing works - and how such techniques have been used by the CIA; how energy healing works; why homeopathy works and all sorts of other mysteries are explored by the frontier scientists Lynne McTaggart has interviewed.”
Please share with me any thoughts you had after reading these words. And do feel free to unsubscribe if this is not for you.