Merry Christmas Everyone
I wish you all a peaceful and joyful Christmas.
Up until Christmas darker days are upon us. A reminder to slow down and reflect on the year. It’s time to re-ignite our faith and belief in the future.
Now you know the sacred is everywhere.
Now you know the miniature is inside you.
You find the essence if you can find
The gift moment that has all of it inside—
A deeply felt, fully breathed life
Thich Nhat Hanh
I will be doing a lot of hurkle-durkling (an old Scottish word for lying in bed long after you should be up). What are you planning for this season?
Thank you one and all for your support over the year. Sharing a treatment is never a one way affair and I learn something from everyone. We are all so different and you are different every time you lie on my couch and feeling, noting and honouring those differences is such an amazing place to be in. I look forward to meeting again in the coming new year.
Love and Blessings