Frosty greetings and salutations lovely peeps
It’s hot water bottles and extra blankets in our house now that winter has arrived with a bang. I’m contemplating knitting myself a mug cosy to keep my tea hot for longer too. :)
I had some lovely feedback from my last newsletter re anxiety which I pass on to you all. “I have read many self-help books on the subject of anxiety and although understanding the theory none of them really made a lot of difference practically. However, that changed recently when I bought a book on eBay, titled "Rewire Your Anxious Brain" by Catherine Pittman and Elizabeth Karle. Based on neuroplasticity it covers the brain, with especial focus on the cortex and amygdala. By about the end of the first chapter I was intrigued and all of sudden I had a eureka moment and started practising the exercises which are simple.” [Thanks J. for your feedback.]
Here’s a link to a summary of the book.
I am still excited about my exhibition in the Gregson Community Art Center in Lancaster, My Journey – a collection of my work past and present. This will be up for the whole of the month of December. I will also be hanging some of my less abstract paintings in the Re-Store in Yorkshire Street in Morecambe on the 4th and will be in Kings Street Art Studio’s annual exhibition in the Storey for two weeks from Thursday 7th December.
My challenge to myself this month is to stop thinking and just listen. Stop the hamster wheel merry-go-round and listen to the sounds around me and the sounds and silence within me. So, for much of December I intend doing just that – no reading, watching or painting. I need to know the consequence of a long and proper listen. You wouldn’t think that someone with a regular meditation practice would need to do that, but there is an urge for, I can only describe it as another layer.
Is this something you are already doing?
Again, I’ve had conversations about menopause recently. There are many advantages to menopause. One of which is that there’s no need, once blood stops completely, for contraception. And you don’t need to get old and wrinkly looking either. Yes, there are some challenges to face, as there were when menses first began, during pregnancy and after childbirth. Some of the challenges are mood swings, possibly anxiety and sleep disruption, hot flushes and these challenges don’t last forever. I found that CranioSacral therapy helps with these challenges by balancing the nervous system and regulating body functions. The body is going through a transition and sometimes just needs a little assistance. So keep to a regular exercise/stretching programme, look at including a breath work practice into your routine, take a look at your diet and get some therapy.
Simply bringing awareness to the process of breathing initiates the release of peptide molecules from the hindbrain to regulate breathing while unifying all systems.
~ Candace Pert
In these days with the shifts and changes taking place in the world, we will find ourselves changing, whether intentionally or not. And as you are shifting you will begin to realise that you are not the same person you used to be. Things you used to tolerate have now become intolerable. Perhaps where once you remained quiet, you are now speaking your truth. Where once you battled and argued, you are now choosing to remain silent. You are now choosing to understand the value of your voice and there are some situations that no longer deserve your time, energy and focus.
Keep steadfast and grounded in this journey that will continue for some time. [Personally, I believe that I will be shifting and changing for the rest of my life.]
Ref: Mind Journal
The Power of Intention.
A group of us have begun to meet regularly and work with Lynne McTaggart’s Power of Intention material. We are looking at healing our natural resources, our community and beyond. If you are interested in doing this kind of work, why not get together with a few friends or begin a group yourself. See an interview with Lynne talking about her work. https://ww
What I’ve been watching this month.
A documentary on Hilma af Klint, abstract and mystic artist of the late 1800’s. Some say the mother of abstract art. Fascinating.
If you have any questions or comments about anything in this newsletter please feel free to contact me. And please also feel free to share this with anyone you feel may be interested.
Warm blessings to you.
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